Governing Body
Chair of Governors – Mrs Anne Lyster
Vice Chair of Governors – Mr Les Taylor & Mrs Terri Wilcocks
Welcome from the Governors
Dear Parents and Carers
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Grange Community Junior School on behalf of the Governing body
We would like to share with you the pride and confidence that the governors have in the school leadership, staff and most of all the children. We are sure from the moment you enter the school you will see and feel the amazing learning environment that our children, staff, volunteers and governors enjoy.
Who and what do governors do?
- We are ordinary people just like you.
- We work alongside the Headteacher and her leadership team.
- Our work is strategic, and we are not involved in the day-to-day leadership and management of the school. This is the Headteacher’s responsibility.
- Our purpose is to maintain and improve the quality of education.
- We help the school set high standards by planning for the school’s future.
- We set targets for the school’s development to ensure pupils achieve the best learning experiences.
- We act as critical friends to the leadership team to ensure that we support and challenge them to achieve the best that they can.
- We are accountable to parents for what we do.
What are the governors aims?
- We have high aspirations for the school and are committed to providing a high-quality creative learning environment which allows all the children to achieve their full potential.
- We strive to ensure the best possible life chances for every child.
We hope your child will have many memorable learning experiences while with us and that your association with our school is a rewarding and happy one.
If you would like to find out more about how to become a school governor, please contact Mrs Gomes in the school office on 01252 542196 or
Very best wishes
Anne Lyster
Chair and all the Governors
Apply to be a school Governor
Our structure is determined by the Instrument of Government. This states that, for a school our size, we need:
- 2 Parent governors
- 1 Local Authority governor
- 1 Headteacher
- 1 Staff governor
- 7 Co-opted governors
How the Governing Body Operates
Full Governing Body meetings
- Held 9 times a year
- All the meetings are full governing body ones, as there are no sub committees, so the whole governing body is involved with every aspect of the vision, ethos and strategic direction of our school
The meetings are focused on key aspects, which are based on the Action and Monitoring Plans based on the ethos of cultural capital as “the essential knowledge that children need to be educated citizens” Ofsted definition
- Designated governors monitor the core subjects of Literacy, Numeracy and other foundation subjects such as History, PHSE, PE and IT
- Review of the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum
- Oversight of the provision for, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and includes provision for RE and British Values
- Oversight of the provision for Personal, Health, Social and Economic education (PHSE) including Sex and Relationship Education (SRE)
Finance and Resources
- Reviews and approves the school budget as well as ensuring that accurate accounts are maintained
- Considers the spending requirements in the different areas of the school and ensures that resources are used efficiently.
- Review the school’s premises, facilities, equipment and resources to achieve good management
- Responsible for approving recruitment of staff.
Inclusion (including SEND)
- Pupil Premium: to review the implementation of the provision, the impact of the outcomes for disadvantaged and all pupils
- Pupils with SEND: to receive the support required in line with the legislation, SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years and monitors the provision for and outcomes of all children with special or additional educational or other needs.
- Responsible for ensuring that the school’s systems, policies and procedures comply with safeguarding and child protection guidelines
- Ensure the policies and procedures are properly implemented to ensure compliance with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’
- Review policies on a rolling programme annually/bi-annually/or longer according to the schedule
- Ensure compliance with the policies is in place across all aspects of the school
- Identify key expectations for governors in the policies and ensure we are fulfilling our role too
Health and Safety
- Responsible for the upkeep and general improvement of the school site
- Ensures Health and Safety regulations are adhered to and that high standards are maintained.
- Leading role in promoting community cohesion and responsible for the provision of a stimulating environment for all learners.
- Whole school approach for both pupils and staff
- Responsible for monitoring the action plan for a Whole School approach to Wellbeing
Grange Community Junior School Governors’ Details from November 2024-25
Grange Community Junior School Register of Governors’ Interests 2024-25
Who are the School and Associate Governors? 2024-25
Grange Junior School Governors Attendance 2023-24