Building Learning Power (BLP)

Building Learning Power | Teaching Resources


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These ‘learning muscles’ help us to achieve our targets.


What is BLP?

A big ambition

Building learning power is about helping young people to become better learners, both in school and out.

It is about creating a culture in classrooms – and in the school more widely – that systematically cultivates habits and attitudes that enable young people to face difficulty and uncertainty calmly, confidently and creatively.

Pupils who are more confident of their own learning ability learn faster and learn better. They concentrate more, think harder and find learning more enjoyable. They do better in their tests and external examinations. And they are easier and more satisfying to teach.

Building Learning Power prepares youngsters better for an uncertain future. Today’s schools need to be educating not just for exam results but for lifelong learning. To thrive in the 21st century, it is not enough to leave school with a clutch of examination certificates. Pupils need to have learnt how to be tenacious and resourceful, imaginative and logical, self disciplined and self-aware, collaborative and inquisitive.

BLP schools have been pioneering ways of taking this ambition really seriously

Three core beliefs

Building learning power is based on three fundamental beliefs

  1. BLP believes that the core purpose of education is to prepare young people for life after school; helping them to build up the mental, emotional, social and strategic resources to enjoy challenge and cope well with uncertainty and complexity
  2. BLP believes that this purpose for education is valuable for all young people and involves helping them to discover the things that they would really love to be great at, and strengthening their will and skill to pursue them.
  3. This confidence, capability and passion can be developed since real-world intelligence is something that people can be helped to build up.