Curriculum Intent
Through the teaching and delivery of PSHE we aim to promote positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. We recognise that PSHE prepares pupils for both their futures and their present day-to-day lives and aim to ensure that children grow up to be responsible citizens, who have a sense of belonging, feel that they are valued and make a meaningful contribution to both their immediate community and the wider world.
Through PSHE at Grange Community Junior School, we aim for all pupils, by the end of Year 6, to:
- understand the importance of a range of relationship;
- know how to keep themselves safe;
- know about health education (puberty, physical health and fitness, healthy eating, mental wellbeing, drugs and tobacco);
- are prepared for their next stage of education and experiences later in life.
Implementation of the curriculum
At Grange Junior School, PSHE lessons are taught weekly. This is predominantly by one person ensuring that there is parity of learning.
Our ever expanding wider provision of PSHE promotes opportunities to link our school values, British Values (BV) and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) responsibilities. Along with our broad and balanced curriculum, there are overlaps with other subjects, for example Computing (E-safety), Science (recycling), PE (leading healthy active lives). As some objectives for PSHE education will be met outside of the allocated timetable slot, this allows for some flexibility within the timetabled lessons. This enables us to respond to local/national/global events that may occur.
The curriculum is developmentally appropriate, tailored to meet the needs of the children and content is made accessible to all including children with SEND. We adhere to the Equality Act of 2010 and ensure that the needs and interests of all pupils, irrespective of gender, family, culture, ability or aptitude are addressed and respected. We ensure that role models in all different relationships are used in the classroom and discussions for example by using stories which celebrate different families. Coverage of themes has been mapped out across the whole key stage. Where it is possible sometimes skills might be addressed in real contexts such as cultural enrichment days, class assemblies and charity fundraising events.
The distribution of lessons compliments key campaigns throughout the year, such as: Anti-Bullying Week, Black History Month, International Women’s Day and Mental Health Week.
Over the course of a year children will engage in key identified topic areas. These are revisited and built upon as children move through the school. As they revisit each topic, the aim is to deepen their understanding and ensure that challenge of key concepts is increased. The topics include:
- Health and wellbeing;
- Relationships;
- Living in the wider world.
At Grange, we teach Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum for Science and the RSE Curriculum. The topics covered include: mental wellbeing, Internet safety and harms, physical health and fitness, healthy eating, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, health and prevention, basic first aid and changing adolescent body.
The rest of the curriculum is bespoke and designed to meet the needs of the Grange community and the local area.
Enrichment activities within the school, also include:
- Community events such as coffee morning, Harvest Festival, Christmas Fair, Summer Fair;
- Choir and whole school singing events;
- School council projects;
- Health and physical wellbeing such as Sports Day, Daily Mile;
- Focus on democracy and human rights such as school voting;
- Assemblies for worship and sharing of work;
- Charity fundraisers such as PTA events, Red Nose Day, Sports relief;
- Visits from neighbourhood police, Fire and health professionals alongside Keep Safe events;
- Sports and Play leaders;
- Cultural days for example Christian and Nepali celebrations;
- First Aid;
- Junior Duke.
Impact of our curriculum
The desired impact of our PSHE curriculum is when children leave our school, they have a sense of belonging and are confident in how to be responsible citizens. They have a good understanding in making the right choices, how to keep themselves safe in a variety of different contexts and how to ask for help if needed.