Emergency closures

Emergency Closure Plans

As always, our aim is to keep the school open whatever the circumstances. However if there are severe weather conditions leading to significant safety problems with the roads; it may be necessary to close the school as less than half of our teaching staff are in a reasonable walking distance. Emergency closures could also apply if we had problems with the heating etc. As far as operationally possible, we will co-ordinate with other local schools.

Should it ever be necessary to close the school; we will inform parents through the following channels;

A text and email will be sent via Parentmail

A message will be put on the front page of our website

Information will be put on the Hampshire County Council Website http://www.hants.gov.uk/education/schoolclosures/

A follow up email will be sent with any updates


If there is an extended  Emergency closure, home learning will be provided through GoogleClassroom and TEAMs sessions may be put in place.