


Transition from Key Stage 1 to 2

Typically, our children transfer from Farnborough Grange Nursery and Infant School to the Juniors.  To help to ensure that the children feel confident, we work in partnership to provide a transition programme.

Throughout the year, when the children are in year 2, opportunities are provided for the children to visit the Juniors.  Year 2 parents are also invited to attend our Open Mornings in the Autumn term.

For children who may be less confident, additional transition work is provided, and year 3 children become ‘helping hands’ for the younger children. Additional visits, alongside key adults, are also put into place where required.


Transition to Key Stage 3

Making the move to secondary school can be a daunting experience for some children. We work closely with our local secondary schools, to make sure that year 6, have visited their new school a number of times.

We prepare the children through their final PSHE topic in year 6: ‘Challenges and changes’, which is focused on the positive aspects of growing older and moving on. During this topic, they have the opportunity to discuss any worries, and gain a real insight into life at key stage 3.  For children who we feel may find the change extra challenging, we also run a separate transition group to support their needs.